From time to time I need to experiment with materials and crafts and simply try to work on something I haven’t done before. So it was with these wooden horses two weeks ago. I asked my friend to cut the horses out of raw spruce wood for me as I do not have tools for it myself.
To be honest, I didn’t really know what they will look like. All I wanted was to cover the wood with patterned papers and antique the horses to create a stylish old-looking home decor.
I used both my own original designed papers and some leftovers from my favorite Amy Butler design papers. I knew it would work but I was surprised at how cool it looked with different pattern. I made two pieces so far, so a creative play with more patterns and colors is yet to come.
My husband helped me and drilled the necessary wholes for the tails and eyes. It is a wonderful thing, to do crafts with your husband. We enjoyed it. I used yarn and pieces of wool to make the tails while the eyes are made of special washers and beads.