Monday, June 28, 2010
Do you sometime forget?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Playing with Resin Again
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Cover Me with Wool
Usually I make the covers of cotton fabric. I even designed a pattern to be used for nothing but the book covers. You can see an examle of it.
But I couldn’t resist working with the wool fabric and I made a bag of it too.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The "Unexpectedly" Project
Ok, I didn´t plan to do this in particular but here you have a little project to do.
In the middle of a kind of a cleaning process I found out I didn´t have enough small or big – any kinds – of boxes. All I could do was to go get one or two from our cellar. Of course, they needed a refurbishing and as I said I didn´t plan to spend a whole afternoon to make them. I simply needed them – the boxes. But I wanted them to look acceptable. So...
I took the first two paints I found in our closet and simply started to paint. Red and white. No special, just acrylic paint. One or two layers, it dries quite quickly in about hour or so. Then, I took the second color and just sketched stripes on. Of course, the red layer wasn´t dry enough and that was the moment when I realized that I am in the middle of an interesting afternoon project. I went on with striping and was surprized at how cool the non straigth and not perfectly painted stripes looked like. This box turned out pretty good, didn´t it?
A few months ago I bought some metal tags and I know now is the time for them. Alright, sometimes no planning and hey, look what you´ve got.
BTW, I learnt the word "unexpectedly" through the song "Beauty and Beast." My favorite movie.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
From the Kitchen
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
This weekend we found ourselves near to one of the Beskydy peeks called Radhošť. As I was not feeling well, we decided just to spend some time hanging around, not much hiking. The Sun was shining - after so long - so I was happy to be out. The picture shows interesting architecture of cottages at the place we were called Pustevny. They remind me of russian fairy tales.

When you travel to Pustevny from Ostrava, you may go through other towns or choose a longer way and go along the mountains most of the time. There you pass Waterworks Šance (Chance).
It is a water reservoir finished in 1969 to provide water for surrounding cities.

I was very happy to find orchis growing there. It is a protected plant in our country.